Shortness of breath could be due to anxiety, here is how to tell.

That is why, the sensation of shortness of breath is rather scaring and worrying especially when one does not know the reason for such a state. A non-specific sign of many diseases, dyspnea or shortness of breath may, however, reflect a patient’s anxious state. Anxiety disorders are common, and examples are generalised anxiety disorder, anxiety disorder due to other medical conditions, other specified anxiety disorders, and unspecified anxiety disorder, and the above-mentioned physical disorders may arise from anxiety. In this tutorial, I will explain how you can intervene at the intersection between anxiety disorders and physical symptoms, in particular shortness of breath as well as how you can help the patient to differentiate between anxiety-related shortness of breath and other explanations of this symptom.

It is necessary to comprehend such complications as breathlessness and anxiety.

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What Shortness of Breath Meaning?

Dyspnea, or shortness of breath is defined as an uncomfortable awareness of breathing or perceiving that there is not enough air. It varies from mild to severe and could be due to one or more of the following; physical stress, climate or some systemic disease.

Common causes of shortness of breath include:Common causes of shortness of breath include:

  • Airway conditions (e. g. , asthma, COPD)
  • Cardiovascular diseases ( for example, CHF, arrhythmias)
  • Some of respiratory disorders that can be caused include pneumonia, pulmonary fibrosis and other related sicknesses.
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Pollution or high altitude or noise or extreme hot and cold or very high pressure or very low pressure.

The Relationship between Existential Anxiety and Breathing Rates

Stress is the body’s reaction to some stimuli which could be real or only perceived, and anxiety is one of the reactions that are likely to produce some effects as asthmatic symptoms such as short breathing. When we become anxious, we tend to tense up and go on the alert, physiologically, behaving in a manner that may well be described as ‘fighting-fit’. This response readies the individual to fight the threat or to escape it by increasing their heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate.

The body’s response during an anxiety attack includes various signs and symptoms due to the signal that the brain sends to the body as it prepares for an attack. One of these changes may include rapidity in breathing commonly referred to as shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.

Differentiating of Shortness of Breathe associated with Anxiety

Although shortness of breath may be caused by different diseases, one has to identify when it connected to anxiety. Knowing the symptoms that are likely to accompany anxiety will help you to distinguish the cases of shortness of breath that are as a result of anxiety from the real medical conditions that can lead to such symptoms.

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Physical Symptoms

Anxiety-related shortness of breath is often accompanied by other physical symptoms, including:Anxiety-related shortness of breath is often accompanied by other physical symptoms, including:

  • Rapid heartbeat (palpitations): Sometimes during an anxiety attack one may have a high heart rate which may race causing a pounding in the chest.
  • Chest tightness or pain: Others may feel a certain squeezing on their chest; this is not common with heart diseases but may give a similar feeling to that of a heart attack.
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness: Breathing picks up and thus blood flow increases and this makes you feel dizzy or lightheaded.
  • Sweating: Excessive sweating is a sure sign that an individual has anxiety even if it is in a cool climate.
  • Trembling or shaking: Its symptoms include muscle rigidity that results to shaking or trembling of hand, legs or any other body muscles.

Emotional and Psychological Symptoms

In addition to physical symptoms, anxiety-related shortness of breath is often accompanied by intense emotional and psychological experiences, such as:In addition to physical symptoms, anxiety-related shortness of breath is often accompanied by intense emotional and psychological experiences, such as:

  • Intense fear or panic: You may get a chest tightening feeling, at times you may feel afraid or panicky in some instances that are not serious at all.
  • Racing thoughts: Common symptoms include : Your thoughts may become obsessed with worry ruminating and speed of thoughts : catastrophic thinking.
  • Feeling of impending doom: Other subjects say that they have experienced doom, that is, they feel that they know something inherently bad is going to occur.
  • Difficulty concentrating: Stress interferes with ones ability to focus or listen because the mind is preoccupied with the things that cause the stress.

Thus, it must be mentioned that there are certain variations in the symptoms manifested and the severity and the time taken along with the variations in the different phases of anxiety attack.

Danger signals that the parents should bring their child to seek medical attention.

However, when experiencing shortness of breath interprets a medical condition, one has to differentiate between the cases of anxiety and serious health issues. Seeking prompt medical attention is essential in the following situations. Seeking prompt medical attention is essential in the following situations:

  • Severe shortness of breath that doesn’t improve with relaxation techniques: If shortness of breath is really persistent it would be wise to see a physician because it can represent a serious respiratory or cardiovascular problem even if you are using relaxation techniques to alleviate the symptoms.
  • Shortness of breath accompanied by chest pain, bluish lips or skin, or difficulty speaking: These symptoms could therefore point to a life threatening condition like a heart attack or pulmonary embolism.
  • Shortness of breath that persists even after an anxiety attack has subsided: In case your breathlessness persists after the strike of anxiety, it is important that you seek another opinion from a doctor in order to eliminate other possibilities for breathlessness.

Any briefness of breath should be checked to avoid making a situation worse especially for those with other illnesses or factors that can lead to shortness of breath. Pain and soreness can be an indication of an illness and thus consulting a medical doctor will allow for the conditions to be diagnosed and treated adequately.

Addressing Shortness of Breath which is Apprehensive in nature

Although such symptoms as shortness of breath due to anxiety can be bothersome, there are numerous ways of coping with the problem and useful methods several people might not be aware of.

Relaxation Techniques

It is also recommended to practice relaxation methods with respect to anxiety-induced shortness of breath during the day. Here are some proven techniques to try:Here are some proven techniques to try:

  • Deep breathing exercises: Another method helps to take a slow, deep breaths, which will allow you to bring under control your breathing and ease oneself. Use strategies such as the diaphragmatic breathing method or the box breathing method.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation: In this technique, a client is instructed to contract and relax muscles in his/her body equally in a sequential manner so as to bring tranquility.
  • Mindfulness meditation: Body scan or breathing exercises are useful in bringing one back to reality and consequently easing anxiety and stress.
  • Visualization techniques: Seeing something that brings comfort in a given place, scene or even images are helpful in re-directing the mind and calming it down.

Lifestyle Changes

Among the relaxation techniques it is also important to make some changes in your life if you want to notice that you are not getting short of breath because of anxiety attacks any longer.

  • Regular exercise: To manage stress and anxiety, people suggested walking or swimming, and practicing yoga; other sources recommend having a healthy diet, and sleeping and waking at reasonable hours.
  • Stress management techniques: Speaking of applied strategies for stress control with reference to time management, problem-solving approaches, or support from family and friends, these strategies will enable you to minimize anxiety’s effect on stressors.
  • Getting enough sleep: Adherence to healthy sleep practices as well as ensuring that one is able to get adequate good quality sleep will assist control mood and lower anxiety.
  • Maintaining a balanced diet: Being in good body condition by eating foods that are nutritionally dense should ensure that anxiety is dealt with in the right manner and this is among the indirect approaches to dealing with anxiety.

If you realise that your anxiety related shortness of breath is uncontrolled or becomes worse after employing the above strategies it is advisable to consult a doctor or a specialist in anxiety treatment such as a psychologist. They can prescribe the particular treatments based on the patient’s case, give professional recommendations, and use the necessary methods, for example, cognitive-behavioral therapy or medications if required.

Do not forget that anxiety is a treatable disorder and by working with the professional and using practice all symptoms can be controlled and the state of well-being can be restored. It is important not to think twice before asking for assistance if you require it and to respect yourself and your body.

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