Well, we really don’t need to explain why a six-pack and narrow waist are preferred over other body features in today’s world – you know it as well as we do. It is the dream or vision most of us have when we go for a workout session at the gym or when starting a new fitness program. But here’s the thing: getting that hourglass shape is not something you have to struggle for by doing lots of exercises and doing thousand of crunches. In fact, you do not need to spend hours at the gym doing the right exercises and with a little of consistency on your diet you will have the sculpted abs and tiny waist.
To that end, this blog post comes in handy. Below we present seven effective and easy exercises that will assist you in getting the required flat stomach and small waist. And the best part? Many of these, you can perform as a couch potato in your living room without having to invest in expensive gym gear.
Well, before I move you on the exercises, it is important that I remind you that the key to making these things work is to be steadfast. These are not the exercises that will give you the beauty you desire as soon as you complete them, yet, if you ensure that you follow them, then you perform them regularly, you will soon see the difference.
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1. Plank
The Ultimate Core Strengthener
The plank is an old-school exercise that activates your core muscles from the front to the back and from sides to bottom. It is a rather basic strategy that, at the same time, offers a great result that will be useful when practicing for a flat stomach and a small waist.
Here’s how you do it:
- Positioning begins in a directly pressed position on the palm such that your hands are directly placed just below the shoulder joint and maintain the different parts of the body in a linear fashion from the head towards the heel.
- Strengthen your midsection by sucking in your belly button toward your back as much as possible.
- One should hold this posture for 30 seconds to one whole minute whilst continuing to breathe normally.
Pro tip: When doing the full plank, if you find it difficult at that initial stage then you can try the exercise with your knee on the floor instead of the toes.
2. Russian Twists
Oblique Obliterators
If your desire is to carve out those wonderful oblique muscles and reduce waistline the Russian twit is the solution. This dynamic exercise works on that side of the abdominal region often known as the love handles.
Here’s how you do it:
- This is done by sitting on the floor with the knees folded, and the feet flat on the ground.
- Sit back a little with the help of your abdominal muscles and shift all the weight from your legs to the back.
- Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, raise your hands in front of you interlocking your fingers, you will then twist your body from one side to another, without moving your shoulders or hips.
Pro tip: To increase the difficulty level further you can hold an object such as a weight or a medicine ball while twisting.
3. Bicycle Crunches
The Ab Blaster
If you are in search of an exercise that can do some real damage to your abs the bicycle crunch is for you. This explosive movement not only concentrates on your rectus abdominis or the ‘six-pack’ muscles but it also involves your obliqui and hip flexors – therefore a full abdomino workout.
Here’s how you do it:
- The initial position is lying flat on the back with the hands clasp behind the head and the feet off the ground with the knees in the right angle.
- Bend one leg so that the upper part of your knee touches your belly button, while with the opposite leg extending it to the back and twisting your torso towards the bent knee.
- Opposite side, this brings your right knee and chest together and at the same time your should rotate to your left.
Pro tip: Be less generalized in your movements and be more focused and don’t pull on your neck with your hands.
4. Leg Raises
Lower Abs on Fire
Namely, if your lower abs have been ignored for quite a while, the leg raise is just what they need. It engages the core muscles that are not easily accessible, thus improving on the six-pack and the tinge of muscles on your abdomen.
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Here’s how you do it:
- To do this exercise, you need to lay with your back on a bench and feet flat on the bench while keeping the knees straight, head and back rested on the bench, and reach out with both hands.
- Standing with your feet shoulder width apart bend your knees slightly and try to pull your lower abs in horrifying someone while and the last of your toes try to point out toward the ceiling.
- As soon as you can raise your legs as high as you wish, clasp the position for a second or two then let the legs come down slowly.
Pro tip: If the full leg raise is too difficult, then one can do leg raise exercise with bent knees.
5. Side Planks
Sculpt Your Obliques
As is the case with typical planks this exercise is particularly effective in toning your total core, but side planks are even more effective since they focus on the oblique muscles. Not only does this exercise strip you of a dense washboard abs, but it also extends to helping you develop good core strength and balance.
Here’s how you do it:
- Starting position: Start on your side where you let your feet to rest one over the other with the elbow of the lateral recumbent positioned right under the outer portion of the shoulder.
- Suck in your stomachs and make a straight body from your ankles to your head, by pulling your hips in the air.
- Balance yourself in this manner for about half a minute to a minute while taking normal, controlled breaths.
- Repeat on the other side – noses on fingers, eyes on cheeks and so on.
Pro tip: To make the exercise even more difficult, when you in the side plank position, you can lift your top leg/ arm up to the ceiling.
6. Heel Touches
Spice Up Your Crunches
For those who are tired of plain old crunches, here are the heel touches, a great addition to your workout. It is a variation that also works not only the abs but also the hip flexors and obliques providing a full core workout.
Here’s how you do it:
- First, lay flat on your back, with the feet and the lower incarnate approximately hip widths apart, set the angle formed by the legs at 90 degree or as close to this angle as is comfortably [].
- Stretch your hands along your legs, your arms parallel to the legs, down to the feet; your shoulders and head are off the floor.
- Instead, swing your arms forward and touch the heels, doing a twist as you do so.
Pro tip: Exercise some restraint in your movements, and be directed, while not stretching the neck using the hands.
7. Scissor Kicks
The Waist Whittler
The last of them is the scissor kick – an active exercise that strengthens your pipes from the sternum to the knees and helps to trim your waistline. Not only does this motion involve your abs but also it will do so alongside your hip flexors and inner thighs exercises, thus being a full body trainer.
Here’s how you do it:
- Starting position is lying on your back with straight legs and your arms on the sides of your body.
- Lift your legs off the floor and try moving your legs as in a regular scissors motion, one leg should be placed on the opposite side of the other leg and them switch.
- Sustain the core body muscles during the movement, make the movements smooth and deliberate.
Pro tip: In fact, for an extra degree of difficulty, one can lift their head and shoulders off the ground while doing the exercise.
Note for post reader
Here are some of the most effective core exercises for your consideration As with any of the exercises suggested, you can see firsthand precisely how these simple movements can change the look and feel of your core muscles and carve a washboard stomach. Believe us; with a little commitment and some time spent on it, you will be on your way to having a great hour-glass figure.
Therefore, where are you waiting for? It is high time that we stepped up our game and start practicing and toning our muscles to get that flat stomach and small waist.

My name is Navin Kumar Suthar, and I am a passionate blog writer with a deep interest in health and technology. I love exploring the latest advancements in tech while also promoting a healthier lifestyle through my content. Whether it’s discussing the newest gadgets, sharing WordPress and WooCommerce tips, or diving into superfoods and wellness trends, I strive to provide well-researched and practical insights. Through my blogs, Wpmagictricks.com and nuvoair.one, I aim to keep readers informed and help them make better choices in both digital and personal well-being.
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